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21 May 2019

International Fair Trade Charter Defines Vision for a Fairer World

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Business as usual will not deliver the step change needed to meet the SDGs, adopted by the world's nations on 25th September 2015. A recent United Nations report shows that hunger has actually risen in the three years since 2018, after a long period of decline, leaving one in nine people undernourished. While the world economy has grown, according to the World Inequality Report: "At the global level, inequality has risen sharply since 1980".

The International Fair Trade Charter sets out a different vision: a world in which justice, equity and sustainable development are at the heart of trade structures, business models and practices so that everyone, through their work, can maintain a decent and dignified livelihood and develop their full human potential.

The Charter, initiated by Fairtrade International and the World Fair Trade Organisation, defines new models that build a stronger economy and environment for all. It has been recognised by an escalating number of diverse local, national and international organisations from across the cooperative, social enterprise, organic, farmer and global solidarity movements, we at Divine are fully behind this.

The global Fair Trade movement urges policy-makers, business leaders, citizens and consumers to embrace the vision of the International Fair Trade Charter, to create a global trading system populated by supply chains and models of business that leave no one behind.

By supporting Fair Trade producers and businesses, advocating to transform the rules of global trade and buying Fair Trade products, we can all act to make sustainable and fair development a reality, and give the world a fighting chance of reaching the goals it set for itself three years ago.

We all can do something, we can unite to change, empower, lead and innovate to support Fairtrade enterprise and spread the word because Fairtrade matters.

Divine Chocolate
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