We champion the needs of farmers, improving their lives and those of their families, so that together we build a sustainable and fair world. We are the only Fairtrade chocolate company that is co-owned by cocoa farmers. This means smallholder farmers receive a share of the distributable profits from the sale of our chocolate, and a say in how the company is run.
Divine is a company with an amazing story at its heart. In the early 1990s, a group of cocoa farmers in Ghana pooled its resources to set up a farmers’ co-op which would trade its own cocoa and manage the selling process more efficiently than the government cocoa agents.
The co-op, called Kuapa Kokoo (meaning ‘good cocoa grower’ in the local language of Twi), has a mission to empower farmers in their efforts to gain a dignified livelihood. Established on Fairtrade principles, the co-op also aims to increase women’s participation in its activities and to develop environmentally conscious cultivation of cocoa.
In 1997, the co-op voted at its annual general meeting (AGM) to invest in a chocolate bar of its own. In 1998, Twin and Kuapa launched The Day Chocolate Company, named in memory of Richard Day, a key member of the team at Twin that had helped Kuapa Kokoo develop its organisation. The Day Company received enthusiastic support from The Body Shop, Christian Aid, Comic Relief, and The Department for International Development in the UK.
More about our historyOn New Year’s Day in 2007, The Day Company changed its name to Divine Chocolate Ltd to more closely align the company with the flagship brand, and the brand itself experienced a major redesign. We also welcomed a fantastic new partner – the developmental finance organisation Oikocredit that invested in Divine.
It was through Oikocredit’s backing that on Valentine’s Day in 2007, we announced the launch of Divine Chocolate Inc in the United States. The announcement was made by Kuapa Kokoo farmer Comfort Kumeah on that same day at a White House briefing on Capitol Hill.
Today, Divine Chocolate HQs are based near Southbank in London, and in the Eastern Market neighborhood of Washington, D.C.
In 2015 Divine Chocolate merged its UK and USA businesses with Divine Chocolate Ltd’s Managing Director Sophi Tranchell MBE taking the role of Group CEO.